Retail Customers:
Wholesale Customers:

Gift Vouchers

Redeem Gift Voucher

To redeem a Gift Voucher at Lottie Shaw’s, follow the simple steps below.

  1. You need your unique Gift Voucher code, which is part of the Gift Voucher that was emailed to you as an attachment. It will look something like Z50-Y6K-COS-402.
  2. Browse the store and add items to your basket as you normally would.
  3. Click the 'View Basket' link to view the contents of your shopping basket.
  4. Type your Gift Voucher code in to the 'Redeem Gift Voucher' box and click 'Go'.

The Lottie Shaw’s Difference

We source

We source the finest ingredients to create seriously good treats in our Yorkshire craft bakery.

We Bake

We bake from scratch using our family heritage recipes and traditional baking techniques.

We Send

We wrap, pack and distribute in recyclable packaging using the very best couriers.

We are a Family

We create your gifts and treats from start to finish and that’s how we know they are seriously good...